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Happy Halloween! October 31, 2010

Posted by Mitchell in Home.

I haven’t been much into Halloween the last few years.  We didn’t have many kids in my neighborhood and didn’t get any trick-or-treaters at all  last year.  A lot of young families have moved in the last year or so and there’s a bumper crop of the crumb munchers around so I bought some candy and I’m carving a pumpkin for the first time in quite a while. Carving two in fact, one is for the Parental Units.  Tonight I’m going to watch Sleepy Hollow and finishing of a series of short films on the web called Camera Obscura.  I found that in a link by Lemur King over at McGoo’s place where he has a couple more shorts by the same guy.  Really good stuff, go check them out.

I know I’ve posted this before but it’s a good song and it matches the season (no it’s not Monster Mash):

Pumpkin pics later!

***Pumpkin Update (clicky to embiggen)***

Yeah, kinda lame-ish but it took longer to clean up my garage enough to get some space to work in and I got up late anyway.  I have the one on the left set up at my house and the Parental Units have the other one.  They’re both electric lighted.  I put a strobe light in the one on the right and it looks pretty cool.  I need to pick up another strobe for next year.

I pulled the plug on the pumpkin and turned off the porch light at 9:30. There was just five groups, managed and directed by parents and no more than two kids each. They were all very young. I heard and saw that there were packs of older kids around but they didn’t drop by. Almost all the other houses on this row were dark and I’m at the end of it so I guess it just wasn’t worth traveling that fifty feet to get free candy. And I bought the good stuff too. Asshole kids.


1. Nicole - October 31, 2010

I love that song! I wish more of their stuff sounded similar. It’s nice that they have a range of emotion in their songs, though.

2. Mitchell - October 31, 2010

I wish more of their stuff sounded similar.

Exactly. I bought that album on the strength of that one song and it really wasn’t representative of the rest of the material. There was still some good stuff there, but at decidedly lower pace and tone.

3. LC Aggie Sith - November 1, 2010

Get rid of the candy at work, Mitch. You certainly do not need sugar around to tempt you!!

We had quite a few kids come by during our block party. Cutest kid was in a zebra costume. Most awesome costume went to the girl dressed as her WoW character, a costume she made herself!!

4. Mitchell - November 1, 2010

Yeah, of course everyone else is going to do the same thing. We’re gonna have candy all over the place for weeks.

Halloween blew chunks again this year. I had a total of five little groups and that was it. The last one was a sullen girl & her mother. I don’t think she even had a costume on. Oh well.

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